Creating a FIPS Floppy and Starting FIPS

12:54 AM

The FIPS program can be downloaded at no charge by typing the following address into your Internet Explorer or web browser window:

When prompted, save the file to your Windows desktop. After saving the FIPS program to your desktop, type the following address in your web browser to save the FIPS documentation:

Be sure to print the fips.doc file before continuing, so that you can refer to it as you use FIPS.

To create a DOS boot floppy containing FIPS from within Windows 95, 98, or Me, follow these steps:
Insert a blank floppy disk into your PC.
Double-click the My Computer icon on your Windows desktop; then right-click the icon representing the floppy drive. A context menu appears.
Choose the Format option from the pop-up context menu. A dialog box presents floppy formatting options

4. Select Full as the format type and check the Copy System Files box. Click Start to format the floppy.

5. When the format finishes, copy the FIPS program from your desktop (or wherever you saved it after downloading it) to the newly formatted floppy disk.